We're located in the heart of Combe Down, Bath; on Church Road, BA2 5JJ. There is street parking surrounding the Church, some open all day and some limited to a three hour stay. We open the doors around 15 minutes before each service and serve drinks at the front of the church. with a chance to meet and mingle before we start.

Service Details
We have three Sunday Services; two in the morning and one in the evening, and one Midweek service at Holy Trinity. Please find the details for each below. All are welcome to every service!

Children & Youth
Our 10:45am Sunday service has children and youth provision during the service. We have four groups, designed for 18-36 months, 3-6s, 7-11s and 11-18s, please find details below or take a look at our Children and Youth pages. Our evening service is open to all ages, but is followed by a Youth Group for 11-18 years olds to hang out, play games and eat pizza, while our Midweek Youth Groups hold space for Bible studies, worship and community.
Find out more about:


This service offers a mixture of contemporary and traditional worship. The church is open from 8:45am. A service leader guides everyone through the service and all the wording used will be shown on screen. The sung worship includes hymns and modern songs. The sermon topics can be found in a Term Card (use the What's On? tab) which shows who is speaking and the chosen Bible passage. There is communion once a month. Information about church events is shared by video. Coffee is served at the end of the service.
The service at 6pm is a time to go deeper with God; it is more informal than the other services and popular with younger adults. At this services there is extended worship and reflection around our sermon. There is still an opportunity to receive communion. The service is around an hour but on the last Sunday of each month we have an extended time of worship with the band from 7.15 to 8pm
This is a contemporary and family oriented church service. There are three Childrens' groups and one Youth group that run alongside the main service and communion once a month.
Like the 9am service above a service leader guides everyone through the service and all the wording used will be shown on screen. Songs at this service are modern and there is a full band. The sermon topics can be found in a Term Card which shows who is speaking and the chosen Bible passage. There is communion once a month. Information about church events is shared by video. Refreshments are served before the service.
The Midweek
The Midweek service is held at 11am on a Thursday, and is open to all but mostly attended by our Seniors. This is a traditional service with hymn books and a service card with the wording of worship, prayers, and sacraments alongside a sermon. Coffee is served after the service and there is a cold buffet lunch on the first Thursday of each month to which all are invited.
The 9am service finishes at approximately 10am, so there is an opportunity for people from both morning services to meet as people leave and arrive. Mingling with drinks is encouraged, but please note there is a 10 minute sound check happening during the interval which has to be at full volume.

Visit our Children's or Youth pages for more information.
From approx 18
- 36 months old
3-7 year olds
7-11 year olds
11-18 year olds

We very much hope that you feel welcome here at Holy Trinity Combe Down.
If the below does not answer your questions, or if you have suggestions, please contact Vanessa on pastoral@htcd.church
Induction Loop
An induction loop for people who are hard of hearing is in operation at services for those sitting in any of the pews. Words of all songs and liturgy are displayed on screens, video notices include explanatory wording.
There is a toilet at the main entrance suitable for people with disabilities.
Wheelchair Access
There is level, step-free access along the main path and into the main body of the church. Welcomers are stationed at the main doors at the start and end of each service to assist. A ramp is available to access the chancel - please let us know in advance.
Assistance Dogs
Assistance Dogs are welcome in all areas of the church. Water can be made available for them, please ask.
Disabled Parking
We regret we are unable to offer any reserved parking for disabled people.
Accessibility Box
This can be found in the Church foyer and contains a large print Bible, noise reducing headphones, fidget toys and wipes.

Holy Trinity Small Groups
Our small groups meet during the week to discuss the themes of our sermon series in a social setting. Group Leaders have training from our clergy to do this.
Small groups are also the foundation of the pastoral care we give one another.
We encourage church members to join, please contact the office for more information.
New to Holy Trinity, or looking for more information? Tap the icon to fill in a Newcomers form and get in touch with our staff team.

For those new to faith, curious about Christianity or interested what we believe as a Church family, please see our upcoming Alpha course, or get in contact if you'd like to ask more questions.
If you've decided that Holy Trinity will be your place of worship, and would like to formally join the church, please contact the office using the icon to fill out a membership form.
Please also enquire about our Church Family newsletter, sent each Friday to our church members.
- Fri, 28 MarHoly Trinity
- Wed, 26 MarHoly Trinity Church