Creation Care
As Christians we believe that God created the world and all who live in it and
He continues to sustain and renew it through Christ and the Holy Spirit.
The Bible tells us the creation is part of God’s redemption plan and will eventually be ‘liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God’ (Romans 8:21)
The marvels of creation are there for all to see, but often we have taken these for granted. Climate change, the degradation and loss of nature, pollution and extreme weather events are calling for our attention as never before.
So what does it look like to pay more attention to God’s good creation, in our worship and mission?
Click through the windows below for some ideas and for further information Carolyn Scriven.
"Often people have a wrong way of thinking when they consider the earth.
It is treated like something that belongs to us and should therefore be exploited for our benefit. The earth is not ours. It belongs to God and we are faithful stewards given the responsibility of caring for what He has made.
Understanding the world in this way makes how we treat the world a part of our discipleship and worship as we honour our God, the Creator."
Shawn Swinney