'By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another' John 13:35
At HTCD we think everyone matters. We want to follow Jesus in loving each other as He loves us. We believe as the people of God we should all care for one another - so it's not one person's job, but everyone's. Here is how we try to make sure we care for each other.
We encourage everyone to join a home group as this is our "front line" in pastoral care - gathering in a smaller number mid-week, sharing lives together and carrying each
others burdens. For many this is all the pastoral care they will need.
To join a group talk to Malc at St Andrew's or Tim at Holy Trinity
You might be involved in a particular ministry (such as Children, Seniors, Worship Team or Youth). This can also be a vital place where we care for one another as we serve Jesus together.
We have a trained prayer ministry team at every service and encourage people to cast all their cares on God because He cares for us. Sometimes someone else bringing these things to God for you can be very powerful.
If you are new or not part of a small group, it can be tricky to know where to turn.
At Holy Trinity Our Pastoral Volunteer Vanessa co-ordinates our pastoral care, whilst at St Andrews our Senior Associate Minister Malc Morgan will signpost you to someone who can help. It might be there is someone on your street who can be a friend to you, or a member of the clergy could pray with you - Malc or Vanessa will find the right fit.
We really do want to care for one another, We recognise we won't get it right all the time. If you can help is improve the way we care for each other please be in touch. And if you know of someone struggling silently, do help us help them if it is appropriate.
If you have an emergency out of office hours, please use the number below to contact the vicar, Shawn Swinney:
Shawn Swinney (Vicar)