As someone who works across both St Andrews and Holy Trinity churches, I was challenged recently by the enthusiasm that the StACC family have for their community. They are just about to start prayer walks, in twos, Covid safe, walking around the streets of Foxhill praying for God’s love, peace and comfort and for people to come to know Jesus.
In Luke 9 we see that Jesus sent out His disciples in two’s to spread the Good News and to grow the kingdom of God. This teamwork approach shows that people can encourage and empower those they walk with. And this is something that the Holy Trinity family can do too which will bless our neighbourhood and our community.
There are various easy ways of doing this.
As a homegroup you could divide into two’s and choose a few streets near where you meet. Then, at various times to suit each pair, walk together – 2m apart, with your masks on if you like, to pray as the Holy Spirit leads you. Pray for the homes, for the businesses, for families, for relationships, for loneliness, for healing, for God’s kingdom to grow. Steve Rogers used to do this regularly and I know others in our congregation who make this part of their lives. God is calling us to pray for our nation and this often starts with our community. Some may think the winter is dark, cold and wet and I don’t want to cause pneumonia, but this sacrifice of time and energy will show the Lord that we mean business! Let’s get out of our houses and bring God’s blessing to Combe Down. You can also pray for each other as you walk which will enable you to ‘Connect’ (one of Shawn’s C’s) in person rather than ‘virtuality’ for a change!
If you are not in a homegroup or there is someone who lives in your near neighbourhood who is not in your homegroup why not join with them and prayer walk for your immediate area?
I am sure there will be stories that will come out of praying walking together. Share them with your homegroup, pray for the area when you meet on zoom and then please ‘Contribute’ (another of Shawn’s C’s) these stories to our church services so that we can all share together in what the Lord is doing and give Him the glory.
Thank you so much for sharing in growing God’s kingdom together!
Sharon Blair Associate Minister.