Pastoral care is looking very different now, with phones and laptops being the way in which we share Christ’s love with one another and with our neighbours.
To help you to share Christ’s Love we have set up:
Three WhatsApp groups for Parents – join the group appropriate to the age of your children to share, sorrows, tips on ‘how not to murder your spouse’ and prayer needs. Email me on Sharon.blair@htcd.church to connect up.
Pairing – putting young families in touch with a senior person for virtual mutual support.
So far, we have asked the children to send their art work to ‘their’ Senior and of course shared phone numbers for that vital chat time. Please email me or
Polly seniorsminister@htcd.church if you would like to be a part of that.
Pastoral Needs Hub. When you check in with those you know, ask if they have everything they need and, if not (and you can’t supply their needs,) then let me know. I will try to find someone who can. If you have a practical need yourself please, please don't hesitate to get in touch and I will try to meet that using a church member who lives near to your house. And if you find you have oodles of loo roll, or biscuits or too much fresh food then please contact me too as we may be able to share that around.
The main point is COMMUNICATE, don’t be alone, don’t be in need. And remember in all you do, keep safe!
‘And my God shall supply all your needs according to the riches of is glory in Christ Jesus.’