What is COP27?
This describes the 27th ‘Conference of the Parties’, the UN climate change conference which was first held in Berlin in 1995.
This annual (with a few exceptions) gathering of world leaders addresses the increasingly urgent issues surrounding climate change.
Different countries host the conference each year - the UK hosted COP26 in Glasgow in 2021. This year, people from nearly 200 countries are gathering in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt, from 6-18th November 2022.
Why is it important?
Climate change is a global issue affecting every country in the world.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres said last month that COP27 must make climate action ‘the top global priority…no country and no economy is immune from the climate crisis.’
Pledges have been made to limit global heating as well to help finance the climate strategies of developing nations - who suffer more than others from the effects of climate change. Such pledges have not translated into real change.
The call at this conference is for concerted action on an international and coordinated scale.
Prayer points for the conference
- that God’s beautiful creation is valued and protected for the good of all
- for focused discussions leading to concrete action, in a spirit of solidarity and cooperation
- for financial generosity from wealthy nations towards poorer countries to help redress
‘climate injustice’
- for ‘strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow’ among those attending
What role is UK playing?
The UK will be represented, among other senior ministers, by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, his newly appointed Environment Secretary, Thérèse Coffey, as well as Alok Sharma who was the president for Cop 26.
It is already an answer to prayer that the Prime Minister changed his mind and decided to
attend, after announcing previously that he had other priorities. King Charles is not attending.
Prayer points for UK
- that our government demonstrates recognition of the significance of climate change and plays its part both at home and on the global stage
- for Thérèse Coffey, that she gets to grips with the issues quickly and effectively
- for change to the environmental deregulation plans announced in September this year
Snapshots from Christian environmental charities
Each charity highlights issues of concern which can inform our prayers. I have capitalised the subjects covered for ease of reference.
A Rocha UK
‘It’s good to see that nature is back on the agenda for COP27…
At COP26, the UK government put BIODIVERSITY on the table and Egypt has followed suit with nature set to be discussed as part of the climate negotiations in the second week. The continued recognition of the inextricable links between biodiversity and climate crises is significant. Not only is healthy nature essential for human well-being, air quality, and food security, but it will be
critical for climate policy as the natural environment has a huge potential to capture carbon.
This is all in a context in which the decline of nature is starker than ever. The most recent WWF Living Planet report shows a 69% decrease in global wildlife populations since 1970. Investing in nature is both essential and a win-win for people and the planet.’
October 27th, 2022
Operation Noah
‘This month, the dioceses of Manchester and St Albans both announced their DIVESTMENT FROM FOSSIL FUELS, becoming the 12th and 13th CofE dioceses to do so, while the national investment bodies of the Church of England have said they will divest from all oil and gas companies not aligned with the Paris Agreement in 2023. But what comes after divestment?
… Many Churches are now beginning to investigate how they can contribute to the $4 trillion per year that the world needs to invest in renewables by 2030 to reach net zero carbon emissions and limit global heating to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. As world leaders begin their COP27 negotiations, let us redouble our efforts to use our money and influence – both as individual Christians and as local and national Churches – to protect the world God loves.’
October 31st, 2022
Pray and Fast for the Climate
‘Dominica's per capita emissions are just a fraction of those in high-income countries, yet its
people have suffered inordinately from extreme events amplified by the changing climate. While they are working on becoming more climate resilient, there are some events that simply
overwhelm efforts at adaptation. And so, like many others around the world, Dominicans have faced the sharp end of CLIMATE INJUSTICE: the people who have done the least to cause the
climate crisis are suffering some of its most severe impacts.
As we wait for the COP27 climate talks to begin, we pray that this COP will be the one where,
finally, there will be real, meaningful progress towards justice in climate finance, especially around 'loss and damage' funds for people in countries like Dominica that are affected by catastrophic extreme events.’
A Rocha International
A Rocha International draws attention to another vital conference taking place 7 - 19 December in Montreal, The Convention on BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY, or CBD COP15.
‘Since 1970 there’s been an average decline of 69% in species populations, according to the latest Living Planet report. Biodiversity is in crisis.
CBD COP15 will review the implementation of targets set in 2010 (also known as the Aichi
Biodiversity Targets) and take decisions on new targets for post-2020.
It is hard to overstate how important these targets will be. As the decisive decade for our planet, we must set ambitious targets to bend the curve on biodiversity loss.’
Prayer for CBD
Lord God,
We pray for an end to the destruction of biodiversity and creation. We pray for the gifts of all God has made to be shared fairly, and to provide sustenance for communities and nations. We pray for just negotiations at the CBD, with courageous and wise outcomes. May
obstructions to the process fail. May a vision of a world where nature flourishes be realised in our lifetimes.
Tear Fund
In the middle of COP27, on Saturday 12 November, Tearfund will be among many organisations joining mobilisations across the country, MARCHING for climate justice on the Global Day of
Action. ‘So, grab a yellow heart-shaped, recyclable placard from us, and let’s pray and march together.’
For details see https://www.tearfund.org/campaigns/cop27
What we do is up to us. There is no limit. For example:
- pray, pray, pray
- challenge ourselves on our habits and practices - how do they affect the environment? What can we change?
- write to our MPs and government to call them to account on the environment
- join protest marches (12th November Global Day of Action, Bristol, 12.00 midday College Green)
- call on the Diocese of Bath and Wells to divest from fossil fuels: only 12 out of 42 Anglican dioceses have made full divestment commitments
- chat climate - we can learn from and encourage one another
- Join a local group such as Wild About Bath https://wildaboutbath.org
- be hopeful - change comes from believing in a better future
- be thankful - for all of God’s gifts, not least the life of this precious planet
- be radical - why not?
- accept the responsibility God gave to us to care for his Creation (Genesis)
Carolyn Scriven
November 2nd, 2022