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  • Liz Hume

Help rebuild lives this Christmas

Julian House's Christmas Appeal 2020

2020 has made us all feel vulnerable but for the people that Julian House supports this is nothing new.

Even before COVID-19, most of the people in its care felt vulnerable and isolated from society. This year, the pandemic put their lives in greater danger. For those without a home, sleeping on the streets, escaping domestic abuse, and living with addiction and depression, everyday has been one of struggle and fear.

The pandemic has also had a devastating effect on Julian House’s voluntary income at a time when the demand for our services has increased. With fundraising events being cancelled and our charity shops and bike workshops having to close temporarily, we are expecting a loss of £200,000. Vital voluntary income needed to fund our life-saving services.

Help Julian House provide the vital support vulnerable people so desperately need at this uncertain time. Your support will help rebuild lives. Donate today

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