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  • Claire Morrish

Hidden treasure - Thankful Thursday 7th May.(0-3 years)

This week all you need is a musical instrument to join in - we have action prayers requiring no equipment. I do describe a game you might want to play for which you need a small piece of treasure to hide. There is also a colouring - here to download and colour. Thank you for all the recent photos and encouragement - do email me any prayer requests: love Claire xx

Don't forget to read the Thankful thought - below the video....

Thankful Thought 7th May 2020 – Buried treasure! Matthew 13 v 44.

This must be one of the shortest parables – just one bible verse but so rich in its message. Jesus is saying that nothing is as precious as the kingdom of heaven. God’s kingdom is worth more than anything else. Jesus really lived that out and gave everything – even his life for the kingdom of God.

It got me thinking about a few things – what would I be willing to sell or give-up to discover the Kingdom of heaven? and What are the treasures that we have in the kingdom of heaven? In this season we have been forced to give up all sorts of things and may yet be forced to sell things too as the new economic order begins. What are you prepared to sacrifice for the security of finding the kingdom of heaven? It is priceless and it has already been won for you by Jesus but that doesn’t mean that you are passive in the process of inheritance. You need to actively seek his Kingdom and be prepared to always put it first – it does require sacrifice, but it is so worth it! Does finding His kingdom come top of your to do list?

In the children’s session I share just 3 treasures of the kingdom – Jesus, God’s love for us and the power of prayer – but there are so many more – forgiveness, the bible as God’s living word, the holy spirit and all it can reveal and transform to name just a few. What treasures have you discovered?

This week – make space to put down something of this world that distracts you and instead seek the kingdom of god – and all the rest will be given to you as well! I pray that you will discover new treasures hidden in the kingdom of heaven and so discover what Jesus came to give us - life in all its fullness.

Blessings, love and prayers Claire xx


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