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Jonah's Crew (0-4yrs)Great Escape

Claire Morrish

Today we see Moses and God's people make a great escape out of Egypt following a pillar of fire. You will need an instrument and your very own pillar of fire - a candle to join in with the prayers. This is the last in our series on Moses. Next week we begin looking at at the Christmas story.

Do send me your hello photos/video clips - perhaps dressed as a nativity character or in a Christmas outfit - or a Christmas version of the final blessing. Love Claire xx

Thankful Thought : Thursday 3rd Dec : Crossing over the sea. Exodus 13 v17 to Exodus 15

This is the last of our exploration of the story of Moses but is by far my favourite part of the story. There are so many miracles in these chapters – the pillar of fire and cloud to lead the way, the parting of the sea, the washing away of the enemy and at the end of chapter15 the healing of a spring of water to make it taste good.

So often in this covid season I have found myself unsure of which way to go. I have felt as God’s people must also have felt - trapped. The way ahead blocked by sea and the enemy advancing fast towards them. Our way ahead to celebrate Christmas is blocked by the rules to keep the infection rate down and daily we hear of the advancing problems to society of economic ruin and mental distress. We need a pillar of fire to guide us and some miraculous intervention to make the way forward plain to see.

In Moses we see what we should do. Moses listened to God and obeyed him. Before they left Egypt, they sacrificed their firstborn animals to the Lord as a thank you offering. Just before God parted the sea Moses spoke out to the people of God’s power “Don’t be afraid! Stand still and see the Lord save you today! You only need to remain calm and the Lord will fight for you” Chap 14 verse 13. Chapter 15 is a song of praise to God and before the water is made fit to drink we read in verse 25 of chapter 15 “Moses cried out to the Lord”

So, this year there are sacrifices to make. Christmas will not be the same as usual – what do you need to sacrifice to the Lord as a thank you for bringing you safely to here? Hear Moses message to the people before the red sea parted as it is so similar to the message of the Angels to the shepherds – “Do not be afraid – there is good news – your saviour has been born” Our role – keep calm and celebrate!

So find new ways to sing God’s praises and if the festive season tastes bitter to you this year – Cry out to God and he will make it taste good. Interestingly Moses was instructed to throw a tree into the water to make it taste good – maybe it is time to put up your Christmas tree and remember this Christmas God’s words to Moses “I am the Lord. I am the Lord who heals you.” Exodus 15 v 26 – look it up – there is a condition attached.

Blessings to you all,

Claire xx


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