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Prayer is catching on across the UK!

Chris and Christine

Pete Greig wrote in Premier Christianity on 11 May 2020 that there are encouraging signs that in the UK we may be on the cusp of a spiritual awakening. The full article is at

To summarise:

  • The ‘UK Blessing’ has had an extraordinary response; it was shared 2 million times in the first week, and there are stories of people watching it being moved to tears.

  • There has been a surge in Prayer: research commissioned by Tearfund suggested that in the UK some 3 million people have turned to prayer during the Lockdown. The requests for 24/7 prayer resources have gone through the roof.

  • Church Attendance has increased: based on the Tearfund research the normal figure of 5-7 % attending a church service is now 24%!

  • Nicky Gumbel says “I've never known a time in my life when people are more open to [God’s word] than they are now.”

  • Public Opinion: There have been positive articles in the Guardian, Good Morning Britain, the Times , and BBCs News at 10!

  • Young People: the research found the leading demographic is 18-34 yr olds!

  • Also The Spectator reported that the number of people searching for the word ‘prayer’ on Google ‘skyrocketed’ last month, doubling with every 80,000 new registered cases of coronavirus, according to a University of Copenhagen study.’

So – Praise God! And keep on praying for our nation!


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