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Ruth & Peter's Crew (4-11yrs) New Series

Claire Morrish

Hello Peter's Crew and Ruth's Crew - this Sunday we start our new series - "Walking with Jesus" looking at Luke's Gospel. Try to get hold of a copy of "Diary of a Disciple - Luke's Story" if you can it is a great version of the gospel. I had a mini-Easter break so no time to get Kids Club to you in the post - but here is this weeks edition to download and print at home. Below is a video for both groups all about Walking with Jesus on the Road to Emmaus. From next week Muddy Church returns - do book in to come fortnightly - that way there will be space for almost all to come to each session. Kids club by post with fortnightly videos will continue for those not at Muddy Church. We will also be exploring a new children's series "Cheeky Panda's" part of the Thy Kingdom Come 24-7 prayer initiative - watch this space and your Kids Club postal packs for more details soon. Do also check out the Unlikely Heroes Easter Adventure if you haven't already - link below. Blessings Claire x

And here if you missed it is Unlikely Heroes:


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