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Saturdays @ Eden

Liz Hume

As Rob Parsons says in one of his books on Parenting - Being a single parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world.

The Saturday Talk postponed from last year on "Surviving & Thriving on the Single Parent Journey" will now go ahead via Zoom on 10th July at 10.30. There will be 28 pre-bookable outside places and lunch available if the weather is fine.

The talk is intended for anyone who is a single parent, for whatever reason, and for family and friends who are seeking to support them.

Our speaker Kat Seney-Williams is extremely well qualified to speak on the subject, having been a single parent, written the above book, is a speaker at Spring Harvest and other events and is the Single Parent Support Co-ordinator at Care for the Family.

Contact the Hannan's on for the Zoom link or to book your place in Eden House Garden.


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