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  • Shawn Swinney

Smaller Easter Celebrations

We want to encourage people to have special Easter moments with others. Whether that be (if allowed) in groups of 6 or less with friends, people from your home group, or as a family.

Attached are two documents that might be helpful. The first is something that can be used with small children, and the second is longer and could be used or adapted for many different settings. So it might be useful in a garden at sunrise, on a long walk, or in the church garden. My hope is that there will be many Easter moments helping us to connect with each other, and celebrate, in a Covid safe way.

This resources is for use with small children.

Easter Garden Reflection
Download PDF • 110KB

This resource is longer and can be adapted for various groups or settings.

Easter Walk
Download PDF • 771KB

Happy Easter!



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