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Summer Fun - Team needed

Claire Morrish

This summer we are going to run a family fun holiday club. On Fridays throughout the school summer holidays 29th July & August 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th at St Andrews. There will be a cafe and activities from 9.30am til noon, with the option to bring a picnic lunch to share together afterwards and weather permitting a walk to a local park after the picnic. The activities will be themed around the Wonder Zone holiday club material which tells the gospel with a special focus on examining God's wonderful world through a science and Eco lens - so there will be some experiments as well as craft and games. We need a team of at least 8 volunteers for each Friday - if you could volunteer for one or more Friday's in the summer please contact Claire - email A small planning team is meeting fortnightly on Thursday evenings in Claire's new kitchen at the moment - next meeting is May 26th - extra team always welcome. We are also after actors to put together some teaching material on video for the Fridays - if that could be you - also contact Claire. Also spread the word booking to attend individual Friday's will soon be available on the website. The activities are aimed at primary school aged children but they need to come with an adult and any other family members who are free! Please pray for the plans and for people to come along for fellowship, faith building and fun this summer. Blessings Claire x


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