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  • Claire Morrish

Thankful Thursday (0-4's) God loves variety

Hi Folks - its Thursday - get your instruments ready - tell new Mums about us and get ready to make a noise for God is great! Here is this week's video & the Thankful Thought is below....Love Claire xx

Thankful Thought – God made plants – Sept 10th 2020 : Gen 1 v11-12

I love being in the garden and at university our botany-based topics were totally fascinating. When God made plants he really enjoyed himself – creating such a huge variety capable of life in almost all parts of this beautiful planet including the rivers, lakes and oceans. They provide for us so much – shelter, fuel, food and medicines and they do that in such beautiful ways. From this we see that God provides for us so much more than just food – he clearly loves variety and loves to dazzle us with so many shapes, colours textures and tastes.

Plants are also used throughout the bible to describe many aspects of faith – (as small as a mustard seed, I am the vine and you are the branches) During this current season we have had time to notice more about our natural environment. I have noticed how quickly it changes. There is growth, flowers, seeds and decay happening all the time – my garden looks different every day. I am also amazed at how resilient some plants are – I cut them back or think I have dug them all up (the brambles) but they return. I forget to water and find a sad looking specimen but water it and it revives. I have taken great comfort from this resilience and change – it reminds us that nothing about this life is permanent – change is part of God’s plan. This season of coronavirus has brought many changes and it will continue to do so – some changes will be more fruitful than others but it each stage will pass.

Also the resilience – if you feel cut back or cut down by this season – remember your roots. God made you and God loves you and God has a plan for you to sprout into new life. May the Holy spirit water you with all that you need this week as you embrace this new season staying rooted in God’s love and the knowledge that you are part of the fruitful vine that is Jesus Christ.

Love & Prayers Claire xx


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