Today you will need an instrument, some socks and a plastic cup and some toilet tube inners. We are looking at perhaps the most famous story of David and his battle with Goliath - you can read it in 1 Sam 17. Check out the thankful thought below. Enjoy - Blessings Claire xx
Thankful Thought 21st January 2021 The Battle belongs to the Lord. 1 Sam 17
I have been praying for weeks for the numbers to fall – cases, hospital admissions and deaths from Co-vid. Numbers are falling at last but how I wish they would fall splat and quickly like Goliath did for David.
In todays passage the battle lines are clear, Israelites against the Philistines. A Giant clad in the latest armour who despises the living God against a small boy who knows his living God and who has been trained with the skills for this very moment.
Our battle lines are also clear – a giant of a disease that is attacking the very best of life and forcing us to live isolated from each other and our faith in the Living God and his power to make a difference. Have we been trained in the skills we need for this moment? Are we equipped for this battlefield.
It is easy to feel like the majority of the Israelite army, paralysed by the fear of the vision of the Giant before us. We need to find our inner David, our inner knowledge of a true and living God. Like David we need to acknowledge that this battle ultimately belongs to our God and that in all things he will have the victory. God who has the whole world in his care can remind you of the skills he has given you and the ways he has saved you in the past. Equipped with the memories and skills of God’s love for us in the past we can step with confidence on to the battlefield and face our Goliath.
Our weapon is prayer. Pray declaring that the power you pray in is that of Jesus Christ, our living God and remembering that the battle and the glory for the victory are God’s. Do not be intimidated by the size of the opposition, its armour or it’s verbal abuse trying to make you doubt. If you need prayer training for the battle I can recommend – apps such as “Lectio365” or “Pray as you Go” or joining others to pray at the 9am weekday meeting or the new 7.45pm Sunday evening service Kingdom Seekers (starts this coming Sunday – see website for links)
Let us not give up in this battle but step up to the fight in the power of the Holy Spirit and pray for the numbers to fall. Blessings Claire xx