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  • Claire Morrish

Thankful Thursday (0-4yrs) Free to fly?

Hello today we are looking at the 3rd in our lent series entitled Exodus and Freedom. We revisit the Exodus story of great escape that we did on 3rd December and we think about how to be free. All very timely as we look at lockdown easing. All you need this week is an instrument to make a noise. Enjoy, Blessings Claire xx

Thankful Thought 4th Match 2021 : Exodus & Freedom Exodus 14 & John 8 v 31-32

John 8 v 31-32 Jesus said “If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”

We covered the story of Exodus 14 and the great escape back in December 3rd – it is still there on the blog if you want to re-visit it. At the time we were about to face Christmas unsure of how we would be able to celebrate. Now we are about to come out of this third and hopefully final lockdown – how are you feeling?

I am finding it hard to trust that this will be the final lockdown. I am praying each day that this might be the last week of all my boys online for school. I want to believe it, but I am fearful of having my hopes dashed. I am struggling to plan much very far ahead for fear of disappointment. It is as if the sea has opened up and I could start to walk out – away from slavery but I am not certain it is safe.

The story can be a metaphor for how God creates freedom from things that trap us all in life. If we trust him, call to him and wait – he will create a way forward for us that we could not even imagine possible. He has done that for me in life repeatedly – a chance of marriage and family when I thought I had broken all chance of trusting anyone to be my husband again. A chance of a new career in teacher training when the care of a sick child was making teaching an impossible career to continue. I wonder what testimonies you have of God – opening up things to you that felt impossible and bringing you to a new place of freedom?

God’s freedom land is not without some rules, guidelines or laws though. In order to experience true freedom some sense of boundary is required to keep us safe. (Think about games with no rules, music making with no score, recipes with no quantities – chaos) The quote from Jesus above sums up what is required – to obey and follow Jesus’s teachings. I pray this week as we prepare for life in the new post lockdown world we will step forward with the teachings of Jesus as our roadmap to true freedom.

Blessings Claire xx


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