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  • Cath Candish

What's On at StACC

Here at St Andrews (StACC) we have quite a few events in the pipeline:

Tuesdays are currently busy as we will continue to give out bags of food for Foxhill Focus vulnerable adults but we are cautiously re-opening to more events. Note that social distancing is still required!

Saturday 17 April Cargo Net (a new network of men's’ support groups) is beginning, with a bacon butty breakfast at St Andrews. Please contact Simon Winchcombe or John Candish for more details.

Sunday 18 April StACC will be open for morning worship at 10.30, hopefully with some outdoor sung worship. If you see this in time do give Susie Houston a call to book your place, for this or any subsequent Sunday.

Wednesday 21 April: StACC family Zooms (home group) will recommence but hopefully soon in person. We will be following the sermon series of this term, walking with Jesus through the book of Luke.

Tuesday 27 April Tuesday Toddler group will be restarting, with limited numbers in the church garden to begin with.

Sat 8- Sunday 9 May: We are encouraging one another to fast and pray over this weekend for our new Minister (interviews take place next month)

Sunday 9 May: Youth Church will recommence meeting at StACC.

Weds 12 May: APCM

Sat 15 May TBC: StAction day: serving our community with the provision of skips around the estate and volunteers to help with clean ups and litter picks.

Sat 15 May: Cargo Net mens’ support groups

Thursday 20 May: We will be remembering the anniversary of Steve Rogers death

Saturday 22 May: 24 hour prayer and firepit outside StACC – booking will be available online

Sunday 23 May (Pentecost) Open air Sunday Worship

Sunday 27 June Caths' Farewell

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