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Group Toast at Dinner
Anchor 1


Small Groups


These are a great way of getting to know people, exploring Sunday teaching and deepening your faith. Small Groups are social and supportive. To join a small group please contact the church office at office@htcdchurch or 01225 835835.


Groups generally meet once a week in an informal social setting and discuss the teaching from church using questions provided by our speakers (these can be found above, under Small Group Resources) – if you missed the service watch it on YouTube or listen to the relevant podcast


    Holy Trinity,

    The Six,

    St Andrews.  


Newcomers Group 

As people join the church we will invite you to join this group – it’s a chance to meet other newcomers and to learn more about Holy Trinity and St Andrews.  Often people like to form a Home Group arising out of this since everyone gets to know each other.  If you would like to join a Newcomers group, contact to find out when the next group is likely to start.


 Other Groups

  • Men’s Ministry and Women's Ministry -  see the respective pages for events and contact details 

  • Worship team – plays in church and practises together mostly on Fridays

  • Seniors  – lunch & communion service on the 1st Thurs.

  • Mothers’ Union, on the 4th Wed of the month

  • Pre-school kids and carers – weekly fellowship, worship & prayer for at Thankful Thursdays at Holy Trinity (10am) or monthly Dads Kids Coffee Bacon. Watch the events pages for the next meeting  ​





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