Small Groups
These are a great way of getting to know people, exploring Sunday teaching and deepening your faith. Small Groups are social and supportive. To join a small group please contact the church office at office@htcdchurch or 01225 835835.
Groups generally meet once a week in an informal social setting and discuss the teaching from church using questions provided by our speakers (these can be found above, under Small Group Resources) – if you missed the service watch it on YouTube or listen to the relevant podcast
Newcomers Group
As people join the church we will invite you to join this group – it’s a chance to meet other newcomers and to learn more about Holy Trinity and St Andrews. Often people like to form a Home Group arising out of this since everyone gets to know each other. If you would like to join a Newcomers group, contact office@htcd.church to find out when the next group is likely to start.
Other Groups
Men’s Ministry and Women's Ministry - see the respective pages for events and contact details
Worship team – plays in church and practises together mostly on Fridays
Seniors – lunch & communion service on the 1st Thurs.
Mothers’ Union, on the 4th Wed of the month
Pre-school kids and carers – weekly fellowship, worship & prayer for at Thankful Thursdays at Holy Trinity (10am) or monthly Dads Kids Coffee Bacon. Watch the events pages for the next meeting ​