Welcome to Women at Holy Trinity and St Andrews
The vision and purpose of the Women's ministry is to...
'create a nurturing and uplifting environment where women can flourish, reach their potential and fulfil their purpose to make disciples'
As well as organising meetings and events for fellowship we aim to help and encourage each other grow in faith, serve our community and share our love for Christ. ​Our activities are run by women for women. You are invited to come and invited to bring guests.
Details are available from the church office contact buttons below.
Church members may contact event leaders directly via the church directory
Monday Morning Bible Study - Holy Trinity 9.30 - 11am
Contact Rosalind Meryon
Over the next few months, the group will be studying John’s Gospel starting Monday 3rd March in the Wordsworth Chapel. Please let us know if you would like to join so we can order a book for you. Feel free ‘to dip your toe in’ and come just once.
Tuesday Morning House Group 9.15 - 10.45am (alternate weeks - term time)
Contact Jules Daniel
This is a lovely opportunity to join a morning small group in Combe Down that might suit women who cannot regularly get to an evening one. It runs alternate Tuesdays throughout the school term.
Tuesday Walking Group 1.30pm in term time
Contact Sally Winter
The group meets for a one and a half to two hour walk, then have tea and a chat at someone's house - we take it in turns to host. Friendly. Supportive. Healthy. Join us every week or just when you can.
Foxhill Makers - 7 - 9pm on the second Friday of each month at St. Andrews.
Contact Sarah Bogg
A friendly, creative crafting session, open to all. Come to the sessions to craft, to plan activities, help set up, or create 'activity packs' for those that may find attending a group difficult.
Forthcoming events
'Worship and Prayer evening' on Wednesday March 26th at 7.30pm
Co-ordinator Anna Culwick
This is a great opportunity for women to come together to worship and to pray. We hope as many of you as possible can come - a great chance to get to know each other better and spend time with God without distraction.
In planning .....
Saturday 'Breakfast Buttie & Walk' for friends to join - probably in May once the weather improves.
Serving our local community there are opportunities coming up to get more widely involved in the summer. Watch this space!
Women's weekend away Laura and Rosanna are busy researching for the autumn - more information to follow once the date and venue have been confirmed.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing"
1 Thessalonians 5:11
With love,
Nicky x
If you have any great ideas or for more information please use the contact buttons below